Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Dalton McGuinty Day!

Hooray for election promises! Ontario is now celebrating our 2nd Family Day. No longer do I have to grit my teeth in envy when my family tells me about what a wonderful long weekend they are going to have in Alberta. Now I can have my very own wonderful long weekend as well!

This weekend was Cameron's move into a "big boy" bed. He has only fallen out of it once at night. We have placed pillows and his old crib mattress on the floor when he sleeps to help cushion the blow. However, it is still funny to come into his room at 5:15 am to a confused toddler who says "Oh, I fell off my sheets onto my crib!". He has yet to realize that if he doesn't want to stay there, he can get out on his own. I'm sure he'll figure it out soon. Which I'm not looking forward to.

And yes, this weekend was Valentine's Day. This month will be around the time that 10 years ago Ash and I met and started dating. And this year will mark the first time I have completely given up on that holiday and gave Ash the best V-Day present a guy could hope for (not that present); I told him I really didn't want to do anything for it. And I meant it! His birthday is exactly a month from Valentine's Day, then my birthday in May, then our anniversary in June. That's too many significant holidays to have to celebrate in a row, in my opinion. It's hard enough coming up with gifts for this guy.

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